HomeThe Glow Up Challenge: 41+ Experts Share Their Best Tips


The Glow Up Challenge: 41+ Experts Share Their Best Tips

This post was originally published in May 2021. Updated in September 2022.

Have you looked in the mirror lately and found yourself looking tired? Your hair looks super damaged and unhealthy and your skin is dull or breaking out! Obviously, this means that you don’t dedicate enough time to yourself.

What you need to do is to challenge yourself to glow up again. The glow-up challenge is all about Following a few simple steps for 30 days so you could feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Not sure what are the right steps to follow? Well. Don’t worry I already created the glow-up challenge list for you. Also, I asked experts to tell us the right and best glow up tips based on their experience so you would know how to take good care of yourself.

Table of Content

The Challenge





The Glow Up Challenge

How Much Does It Take To Glow Up?

It often takes some time to look and feel healthier and better again. But if you follow the steps I included below, you will see results in less than 30 days.

All you need is to make some lifestyle changes and add new steps to your hair and skincare routine. Then you will start to notice the difference and you’ll feel more satisfied. This 30-day glow-up challenge can really change you in a good way!

How To Complete The Glow Up Challenge If You’re Super Busy?

First of all, you aren’t going to take hours of your busy schedule to follow the steps. Also, you don’t have to do the list daily, some steps should be done every other day.

You will just have to cut some unhealthy habits of your life like eating junk food, not getting enough sleep, or wearing makeup all day long.

You’re going to replace these unhealthy habits with healthy ones and add a few more steps to your routine which will help you glow up naturally.

What Are The Benefits That You Will Gain From The Glow Up Challenge?

While doing the glow-up challenge, you will start to feel that your body, hair, and skin become much better. Then after completing the challenge, you will:

  • Be in a better mood.
  • Feel healthier.
  • Lose some weight by following healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Look more beautiful.
  • Increase your energy levels.
  • Have healthy hair.
  • Have glowing skin.
  • Push away your negative feelings.
  • Boost your fitness levels.

After I show you the benefits of doing the glow-up challenge, I bet you are now curious and wanna know more about the challenge. So Let’s jump straight into the Glow-Up challenge steps:

The Right Glow Up Challenge Steps:

I split the glow-up challenge into three sections. You can consider every section as a guide that contains in-depth details so you can get all the information that you need. These details can help you understand what is good for your body, hair, and skin so you could develop healthy habits.


How To Glow Up Your Body

1- Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water per day is not something you have to think twice about. Water is what makes your body digest, breathe, and perform other vital functions that sustain life.

We do lose water as we breathe, exercise, pee, and sweat. So to replenish this loss, you need to drink water and consume food that is rich in water every day.

Water is something that can help you glow up in just one day.

According to the Mayo Clinic, The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine revealed that men should consume about 3.7 liters of fluids per day. And women should drink about 2.7 liters of fluids per day.  

If you’re not sure how to calculate your ideal daily water intake, Check out this link.

Also, drinking enough water keep your skin and nails healthy. So to stay hydrated during the day even if you have a busy schedule or don’t like to drink water, Follow Tara Coleman tips:


 Tara Coleman | Nutritionist 


1 - Start your day with 16 oz. of water.  Keep it next to your bed and drink the glass before you start your day and before coffee!  Once we start drinking water we tend to crave it more.  When we put it off then we play catch up for the second half of the day and it becomes a chore. If you start your day with 16 oz. and before you get out of bed you are up to ¼ of the way there!

2 - Try adding electrolytes.  Electrolytes are the minerals that our bodies need to absorb water.  There are also some great electrolyte powders that have a little flavor that make water more exciting. Steer clear of artificial sweeteners and opt for electrolyte powder sweetened with monk fruit or stevia.  I like Ultima and Liquid IV.

3 - Drink during the transitions.  If you are having trouble remembering to drink water, set transition triggers to remind you.  For instance, 16 oz. when you first wake up.  16oz before you get out of your car at work or log onto your first zoom, 16 oz. before lunch and 16 oz. before you end your workday.  Attaching these reminders to things that you are already doing will help trigger your memory and keep you from chugging a ton of water all at once!

2- Add more Vegetables And Fruit To Your Diet

Vegetables and fruit are full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals which help nourish your body, skin, and hair. Adding them to your diet is essential especially if you have skin disorders like rosacea.

They are low in calories so they can help you maintain healthy body weight. Also, some vegetables and fruit like broccoli, spinach, citrus fruit, and kiwi can help boost the immune system to fight off infections.

Plus, vegetables, leafy greens, and fruits have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation, boost skin and body health, and increase collagen production.

They can help decrease blood pressure, improve digestion, may lower the risk of heart diseases, and reduce some cancer types

If you’re not eating enough vegetables and fruit daily and wanna know where to start, you can add them to your daily smoothie or try Tara Coleman’s advice:

 Tara Coleman | Nutritionist 


Count the colors!  The colors of your fruits and vegetables help identify which nutrient that food contains.  So a diversity of colors = a diversity of nutrients.  Plus, beautiful colorful foods are more fun to eat!  Shoot for at 3 different colors of fruits/vegetables each day.  If you are a veggie master, try 5!

3- Stop Eating Processed Food

If you wanna glow up in one month or even in a week, you need to cut out processed food. The worst thing you could do to your body is to eat processed food.

They contain too much sugar or salt and unhealthy fat. Developing a habit like this causes many health issues like obesity, heart disease, increase bad cholesterol levels, and diabetes.

Plus, they can worsen perimenopause symptoms and PMS symptoms, check out what you should eat during your period here.

Processed food is high in calories which can make you gain weight. You will end up consuming high amounts of sugar, salt, or fat without even knowing it. So you should always avoid eating processed food as much as you can.

Here’s what you can do to stay away from processed food:

Eve Dawes | Blogger & Founder of Dawes Custom Cosmetics & LikeToKnow.it


2 tips to stay away from processed foods are to not keep them in the house and to be prepared. Plan your meals and create a grocery store list that you stick to. 

By not having processed foods at home it takes a lot more effort to go out to get them than to grab them from your kitchen cupboards. 

Also, always keep healthy snacks in your bag or car. That way if you're out longer than you expect to be you're not grabbing something unhealthy on the go.

4- Cut Out Sugar

Consuming added sugar is another unhealthy habit that has a direct negative impact on your overall health.

It’s one of the major causes of obesity, fatty liver disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Also, People who consume too much sugar and refined carbs are more prone to develop acne. And it may play a role in accelerating the skin aging process.

It’s best to consider reducing your sugar intake to keep your body healthy.

I know it’s not easy to curb your sugar cravings but Vanessa Barthelmes tells us what she does:

Vanessa Barthelmes | Contortion Coach


Ironically I am detoxing from sugar now after the silly season. When I personally detox from sugar I still eat mixed berries, they don't spike your blood sugar and are great with Greek yogurt.

This is something I eat once or twice a day. When I am going through the rough phase with the detox I buy a bunch of chocolate mint protein bars (sugar-free) and keep munching on them until the cravings subside.

5- Reduce salt intake

Eating food that contains too much salt is one of the most unhealthy habits that people usually have.

Too much salt is linked to many serious health problems. It may raise blood pressure which might result in a higher risk of heart problems.

High-sodium foods may also increase stomach cancer risk. 

Additionally, consuming too much salt can cause water retention, bloating, and upset your stomach.

So you should consider reducing your salt intake to stay healthy.

Sally Wade shares with us some easy tips you can follow to reduce your salt intake:


Sally Wade | Founder of TreatTrunk.co.uk

We often talk about sugar intake but salt intake is really important too! There are lots of ways I reduce my salt intake:  

The most obvious one is cooking meals from scratch which means you can control how much salt is used in cooking rather than opting for ready meals. 

You really don't need to salt everything you cook to taste! Snacking is a huge one and you'd be surprised at how much salt is in snacks! That's why I created Treat Trunk, a healthy snack subscription box which offers nutritionist endorsed, sugar sensible healthy snacks for the whole family.

6- Do Cardio Exercise

The American Heart Association recommends doing at least 150 minutes a week of cardio exercise to improve your overall health.

Doing cardio on a regular basis can improve heart health and help you sleep better.

It can also boost your energy and your mood and reduce stress levels.

You will also be able to burn more calories and improve your metabolism which helps you to stay in shape.

So What is the best cardio exercise that you should do?

I asked Hugh JN Bethell that question And He said:

Hugh JN Bethell | Medical Practitioner & Blogger


I try not to recommend any particular exercise. All physical activity is good. The only important thing is that you do it and then carry on doing it. This depends on you enjoying whatever it is – if it brings no pleasure, if it is a chore, you will soon give it up.

So whatever you choose, start small and build up to a level that is manageable and fun. The biggest relative gains come from increasing from doing nothing to doing something. Of course, more is better - but don’t bust a gut unless it is sustainable and agreeable.


Also, keep in mind to have a good healthy meal after a cardio session to recover faster and lose weight.

7- Build Muscle

One of the top steps that you should consider adding to your summer glow up checklist is to build muscle.

Building muscle can help you lose fat and improve your physical appearance.

When you gain muscle, you will also increase your metabolic rate and become stronger which makes everyday activities easier.

A study showed that combining cardio activities with strength workouts is the best way to stay in a good shape.

You should know also that there are some wrong practices that could make you lose muscle:

David Neira | IFBB Personal Trainer


Not eating enough, for fear of getting fat, is the #1 mistake. If you´re exercising you need to fuel your body properly. That means no skipping meals and getting enough protein and carbs.

High-protein meals are required to repair and maintain your muscles. You´ll need 1 gram per kilo of weight to keep your muscle mass. Often, when we hear protein, we instantly think of meat. But also fish and veggies contain protein. Tuna, salmon, halibut, lentils, beans, seeds, nuts… there is a wide variety of foods that may contribute to your muscle maintenance.

On the other hand, carbs are typically cut out of diets, but they’re totally crucial for muscle recovery after a workout. Carbs are stored in your muscles as glycogen. This glycogen is consumed during exercise, and you need to restore it to get ready for your next workout.

Another usual mistake is not getting adequate sleep. While you sleep, your body produces growth hormone and protein synthesis occurs. There is also evidence that lack of sleep leads to muscle loss and fat increase. Try to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

If you have problems getting asleep this is easy to say but hard to accomplish. Create or review your Pre-Bed Routine, a consistent routine that you follow each night reinforces signals to your mind and body that bedtime is approaching. 

Pay attention to what you eat and drink, don't go to bed hungry or stuffed. Check your caffeine intake, coffee, tea, and sodas can be a barrier to falling asleep.

Last but not least, training too much or too often. When it comes to health and fitness everyone thinks that “more” is “better”. That´s not true. If you’re not careful, “more” can lead to overtraining, muscle loss, injury, and illness.

Training six or seven times per week is almost never a good idea. Your body needs time to recover. So, if you feel sluggish all day, lack motivation, or become restless, give yourself a break because you´re pushing your body to its limit.

8- Get Rid Of Belly Fat

If you have excess belly fat, you should consider getting rid of it immediately.

What makes belly fat super harmful is it accumulates around your organs.

This can lead to many serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Belly fat makes your body weak and more vulnerable to health problems as it affects your metabolism.

The support team from diyactive.com tells us the best practices to lose belly fat And what to do to keep your abs shredded:

DIYactive Support Team


It may sound too simple, but here we go… You must stick to your routine and not just your workout program.

Your workout routine is obviously huge but adhere to your sleep schedule, eat a green plate (fruits and veggies), and remember to drink your allotted water per day.

Most people can stick to a workout routine of 3 workouts per week, but it’s the other things in life that keep them from achieving great results. You must strive to form those winning habits!

9- Go For A Walk

Going for a walk daily offers many health benefits and reduces the risk of some chronic diseases.

Walking can help boost your energy and improve your mood. It can also be a good way to maintain or lose weight.

But More importantly, walking for 30 minutes for 5 days a week can play a role in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease by 19%.

Also, it helps clear your head and boost creativity.

So I included walking as part of the glow-up challenge as it can help improve your physical and mental health.

If you’re not sure What is the best time of the day to go for a walk and how to make it a habit? Here’s what Richard King suggests:

Richard King | Blogger


The best activity for health is one that is fun for you, so it's easier to be motivated. For example, walking. The best time to go for a walk is whatever time of day you can do it consistently.

For many, that is first thing in the morning, because it is harder to come up with excuses and it is before "life interferes". You may have to get up a little earlier.

To make it a habit: "Just do it" for the first few days, then hopefully you'll start to enjoy it.

10- Sleep well

Several studies showed that poor sleep can lead to many health issues.

Short sleep duration is linked to obesity in children and adults and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Also, poor sleepers are more prone to heart diseases and strokes.

On the other hand, a good night’s sleep can increase productivity, speed up muscle recovery, and improve concentration.

Sleep can also boost the immune system responses to fight off diseases. And it can enhance athletic performance.

So to guarantee better sleep, follow Alex Dimitriu tips:


Dr. Alex Dimitriu | Consultation Psychiatrist


The best sleep routine starts in the morning - bright light, ideally some outdoor activity, and exercise at some time during the day. The more "up" you are during the day, the better you sleep at night - you need to keep sleep and wake well separated.

Exercise that makes you sweat is especially good for improving sleep. No caffeine after noon - it lingers longer than you think, with a half-life of 6 hours. Avoid naps longer than 30 min. In the evenings, stop working at some point so you have time to wind down and enjoy dinner and family time. Avoid late heavy meals, alcohol too close to bedtime, and bright screens/smartphones, and laptops.

Sleep in a cool (68-degree), dark and quiet room. Stick to a regular bed and wake time - don't vary these too much. If you slept poorly, try not to sleep in. Read books before bed. Learn to meditate - you can even do this at night. If you can learn to empty your thoughts, at night you will either be really relaxed or fall asleep - in the words of Naval Ravikant - it's a win-win. 


How To Glow Up Your Skin

11- Change Your Pillowcase Regularly

Another important step in the glow-up challenge is to change your pillowcase with a clean one every couple of days. Seriously, It’s one of the top glow-up challenge rules, guys!

This helps keep your skin healthy as you will get rid of sweat, dead skin cells, and dirt.

Choosing also the right pillowcase material plays a role in maintaining your skin’s health and reducing the early signs of aging

Barbie Ritzman tells us the difference between pillowcase materials and what she recommends:


Barbie Ritzman | Blogger

Founder of barbie'sbeautybits.com

Beauty sleep is real. To look and feel our best, we need rest, and more importantly, we need the right kind of bedding, which goes for your pillowcases.

Many of us spend time on night creams, but our beauty sleep can either age us or make us younger. And when it comes to our pillows, it can be a skin aging culprit. So, let me ask you: “Are you using a clean pillowcase? Is it silk?”

A Regular Pillowcase

The moisture pulled into the pillow can draw in dirt and bacteria, causing damage to the skin. Also, the dirt on the pillowcase exposes the skin to oxidative stress from free radicals.

And free radicals can cause premature aging as it breaks down the collagen and elastin in the skin. These yuckies breed on your pillowcases, especially from the dead skin cells on your scalp and skin!

Silk Pillow Cases  

Sleeping on a silk surface means less moisture will be taken from your skin, so less is pulled into the pillowcase. Some other benefits of sleeping on a silk pillow:

  • Smooth service means less friction. Friction causes pulling and tugging, which leads to premature aging.
  • Silk pillows also reduce the crushed wrinkle effect you can get from sleeping. A traditional cotton pillow pushes the delicate skin into folds, which over time leaves creases and fine lines on the face. A silk pillow does not.

12- Remove Facial Hair

Facial hair is one of the most annoying things that you have to deal with to keep your face looking smooth and soft. Of course, you must have tried many ways to remove it effectively and with less pain.

Have you succeeded? If not… Let’s see what Richa Bhimani romrecommends to remove facial hair without pain:

Richa Bhimani

From theheavenbeauty.com

The best way that I have tried to remove my facial hair is by using a facial trimmer and it is easily available in the market. I personally don't like threading or waxing methods for removing facial hair as it creates pain during removing facial hair.

Currently, I am using an electric facial trimmer and sometimes electric hair removal shaver but I also want to give a try to the facial razor as it also works great without any pain.

Personally, as per my suggestion, one should opt for an electric trimmer, electric hair removal shaver, or facial razor for removing their facial hair without any pain and it is the best tip.

You will instantly get soft and smooth skin and if you are a makeup lover then after removing facial hair with these methods your makeup will look flawless.

Don't worry many girls think that after using such methods their facial hair will grow thicker but it is totally wrong. The growth will be normal so you can surely go for these methods for a painless facial hair removal experience.

13- Wash Your Face With Cleanser That Suits Your Skin Type

Dr. Cynthia Bailey will help you choose the best cleanser that suits your skin type:

Dr. Cynthia Bailey | Board Certified Dermatologist

Founder of Dr.BaileySkinCare.com

The most important part of skin cleansing is that the way you do it must match your skin type. You want to pause and think about what you’ve learned from your skin in the past – what cleansers or cleansing methods worked and what didn’t. For example, oily complexions need more oil removal than dry complexions.

Sensitive complexions need non-irritating pH-balanced hypoallergenic cleansers. People that wear oil-based skincare products may benefit from using an oil cleansing step before using a water-soluble cleanser. You can see that there is no single cleanser that fits everyone.

Cleansers are also a great way to deliver some treating ingredients such as acne, clogged pores rosacea, or seborrhea. Products that physically exfoliate (have a gritty feel) or chemically exfoliate (include keratolytic such as salicylic acid or glycolic acid) will brighten skin immediately but maybe too much for sensitive skin. 

Your skincare routine starts with cleansing away the last half day’s oil, dirt, debris, pollution, and product residue. Did you know that facial skin cleansers are the number one selling skincare product of all product types?! Everyone knows they need a facial cleanser. Here is my bottom line on how to pick a facial cleanser:

Sensitive skin: pH balanced, sulfate-free, hypoallergenic cleanser to prevent dryness and irritation and help the skin to stay glowing and soft.

Oily Skin: use a stronger foaming cleanser with salicylic acid and glycolic acid to Prevent oily shine and help keep skin glowing.

Acne-prone skin: add salicylic acid and glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide as an active ingredient in your cleanser.

Rosacea and facial seborrheic dermatitis: add a cleanser with pyrithione zinc to help fight the skin yeast called Pityrosporum/Malassezia. This will help your skin glow by controlling the redness, flaking, and inflammation of these rashes.

Anti-aging concerns: add glycolic acid and physical exfoliating cleanser to your routine.

All but the most sensitive rosacea-prone complexions can benefit from gentle physical exfoliation. This can be done daily with a gently gritty cleanser or twice weekly with a grittier scrub or sponge. It gives instantly glowing skin.

Related: 45 Instagram Influencers Reviewed The Fleuri Clear Gel Cleanser, Here’s What They Think

14- Don’t Pop Pimples

Squeezing a pimple can does a hell of a lot more harm than good to your skin.

When you pop a pimple, you spread bacteria and pus to the surrounding pores in the area which leads to more pimples.

You will also slow the natural healing process and it could cause scarring.

So the best way to deal with pimples is to apply over-the-counter acne treatment medication to clear up your skin and keep pores unclogged.

Facial masks may also help you get rid of acne and keep skin looking healthy and radiant.

Related: The 16 Best Face Masks For Sensitive Skin & Buying Guide

Here are also some helpful ways that you can follow to reduce pimples from forming:

Melanie | Blogger


I make sure to wash my face twice every day. My skin is on the sensitive side, so I only use gentle, alcohol-free cleansers. It's important to exfoliate as well no matter your skin type. I exfoliate once every week.

Also, I often break out when I consume too much sugar. You see, when your blood sugar increases, there's also an increase in insulin levels.

This ultimately leads to increased oil production, which puts you at a greater risk of developing acne. So, I've cut back on sugar, and it has helped me a lot.

Apart from that, it's important to stay hydrated, avoid sun exposure, and get plenty of sleep.

15- Use Retinoid Cream

Another easy step in the glow-up challenge is to use retinoid cream.

Several studies showed that Retinol (vitamin A) reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.

Dr. Hannah Sivak explains How retinoid cream helps in skin tightening and reducing wrinkles in the long term and How it makes your skin look better:

Dr. Hannah Sivak | Skin Science Expert

Founder of skinactives.com

The benefits of topical tretinoin on human photodamaged skin were first observed in middle-aged women treated for persistent acne. These women described smoother, less wrinkled skin in addition to the clearing of acne. Improvements were noted in skin texture, wrinkling, pigmentation, and sallowness.

In general, retinoids tend to normalize cellular proliferation and differentiation. In the human epidermis, low concentrations of retinoids generally increase keratinocyte proliferation, but high concentrations can be inhibitory. This effect is used in the treatment of psoriasis.

16- Add Vitamin C To Your Skincare Routine

The glow-up challenge can’t be complete without adding vitamin C to your am skincare routine.

Vitamin C maintains the skin’s health. It helps your skin produce collagen that improves the health of your skin and protects it.

The human body doesn’t produce vitamin C so you need to add food that contains vitamin C to your diet like bell peppers and citrus fruit.

And use skincare products that contain vitamin C to reduce signs of aging.

Dr. Beth Goldstein explains how adding vitamin C serum to a skincare routine is effective:


Dr. Beth Goldstein | Dermatologist at CDC

Co-Founder of GETMr.com

Vitamin C serves as an antioxidant for the skin. Antioxidants work to help capture nasty free radicals that come from environmental sources, mostly from the ultraviolet rays from the sun but also from pollution and other sources.

Vitamin C works best when coupled with Vitamin E. Vitamin C is a little tricky to get across the skin barrier into the deeper aspects of the skin to do its good.

Not all Vitamin C serums coupled with Vitamin E have the science behind them to show that they actually penetrate enough to be effective.

17- Use A Gentle Exfoliator With Acids

I asked Dr. Hannah Sivak if she recommends using exfoliators with acids and how they benefit the skin:

Dr. Hannah Sivak | Skin Science Expert

Founder of  skinactives.com

Too much exfoliation is a bad idea for many reasons. People confuse “doing things to your skin” with “taking care of your skin”.

Often doing nothing is better than doing too much. But, if you need exfoliation for a good reason like acne then, do it the right way. Not too much, and with good ingredients.

I asked also Alissa Caillet the same question, Here’s what she said:

Alissa Caillet | Paramedical Skin Revision Therapist

Owner of incandescentskin.com

I recommend exfoliation to my clients. Exfoliation is pivotal to healthy functioning skin that keeps a beautiful complexion.  There are various ways one can exfoliate. Typically, when you say the word “exfoliate” you think of St. Ives scrub which has proven to scare people's skin because it is too abrasive.

I also have clients who love their exfoliation spinning brush. The only problem with this is people tend to use it daily and this can strip the skin. I recommend exfoliating once a week either with a gentle scrub or acids. Acids can be beneficial for different skin conditions. For instance, Lactic acid is very hydrating.

It brightens, smooths, and evens skin tone while reducing the appearance of fine lines and dark spots. Alternatively, I may recommend a salicylic acid for someone who’s battling acne or rosacea. Glycolic acid helps to remove dead skin cells and renew brighter layers of skin underneath.

It also stimulates the production of collagen while helping the skin to feel firmer. Acids can be very effective if used as prescribed by your skin therapist.

18- Apply Eye Cream

If you wanna the area around your eyes to be firm and supple, consider adding an eye cream to your routine.

It helps reduce puffiness and dark circles. It also nourishes the under-eye area and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Good eye cream helps hydrate the thin area around your eyes and prevent irritation or inflammation.

To get the most of any eye cream, you should first know the key ingredients you should look for in a good eye cream:


Kenneth Simpon | CEO

Chief formulator & Co-Founder of skin2skincare.com

No matter what your skin type or issues with your eye area there are several key ingredients to look for in an eye cream, gel, or serum. Eye serums and gels are just as hydrating and moisturizing as creams without the weight and they stay in place helping your makeup stay in place, unlike a cream that is a traveler and less likely to develop milia, small white bumps around the eyes.

Key Ingredients to look for:

Hyaluronic Acid and the best one to look for is Sodium Hyaluronate. Hyaluronic Acid is made up of two salts that can be extracted and one of them is Sodium Hyaluronate. The difference comes down to molecular weight. Hyaluronic Acid molecules are too large to penetrate the skin where it just coats the skin and prevents water loss, leading to better hydration.

Sodium Hyaluronate has a lower molecular weight. Making it small enough to penetrate the epidermis or top layer of the skin. It improves the hydration from the underlying skin layers for better hydration and anti-aging results.

Peptides, like retinol, also stimulate collagen and elastin production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, crow’s-feet and tightens, and are gentler on the dermis and non-irritating.

Vitamins E and C, both are antioxidants and potent antiaging ingredients. While vitamin C aids in collagen production and skin elasticity, vitamin E soothes and protects.

Arnica Extract quickly reduces swelling or eye puffiness helping to speed up the process of soothing and healing the skin.

Aloe Vera leaf extract juice is an ultra-power antioxidant juice with 200 essential skin nurturant, that include multiple vitamins, amino acids, and essential amino acids, enzymes, and minerals.

Bio-Active Extracts such as Aldvine 5X and Lanachrys, when combined in a formulation, they address long-term puffiness, dark circles & bags, improve the eyelid contour, and brighten dulling skin as we age.

Botanical Extracts are essential to the overall healthy younger appearance of the skin by providing essential nurturant, conditioners, toners, antioxidants, fatty acids, and vitamins.


It’s important that the ingredients are compatible with the skin and the actives are the right molecule size to penetrate deeper into the skin for the product to be effective. Many ingredients lay on top of the skin helping to prevent dehydration and making the skin more hydrated. They are important components that skincare products need to function as good moisturizers / hydrators.

19- Moisturize Your Face

Moisturizing regularly is the key to healthy-looking skin.

When you moisturize your face, you reduce the chances of skin problems and maintain its balance.

Studies showed that people who use moisturizers on a regular basis develop wrinkles less than people who don’t moisturize their skin.

Applying moisturizers can also keep your skin smooth and even out any existing blemishes.

I asked Christin Birckhead, Why is it important to moisturize your face before applying makeup? Here’s what she said:

Christin Birckhead | Professional Makeup Artist

Owner of Conceptualbeauty.com

Your makeup will only look as good as the condition your skin is in! Moisturizing your skin is essential to a flawless makeup application. Makeup can sometimes accentuate wrinkles, lines, and texture on the skin.

With proper skin prep, including moisturizer, makeup will apply and wear smoother. It is also important to know if your moisturizer is water, oil, or silicone-based so as to not disrupt your makeup of choice.

Also, I asked Kimberly Tan, How can moisturizing your face help prevent acne? How often should you moisturize your face each day? She explained:

Kimberly Tan | Licensed Esthetician

Founder of skinsalvationsf.com

Adequate skin moisture preserves the skin's protective natural barrier function. a compromised barrier function can reduce the skin's capability of healing itself, increase inflammation, and create an excess of dead skin cells (re; acne), among other complications.

it's important to know the difference between skin lacking moisture and skin that is reacting to factors such as over-exfoliation, which is often mistaken for "dry" skin. they may present similarly but need different resolutions.

A balanced skin regimen is a symphony of all products playing a part, moisturizing or astringent. this is to say, using a thick cream may not be the best solution for moisture if you are using cleansers, toners, and/or serums that are overly drying or exfoliating.

in terms of topical acne factors, products with comedogenic (or pore-clogging) ingredients should be avoided, to prevent acne from forming. however, internal imbalances that also cause acne should also be identified and addressed for longer-term clarity. 

Under typical circumstances, doing a full skin regimen twice a day should suffice. if one is in an extreme environment, additional moisture support may be necessary, topical, internal, or lifestyle.

To learn about dehydration vs over-exfoliation, check the ingredients in the products you use for acne-safeness, or info about my book launch on my site.

20- Massage Your face Every Day

Face massage aids in stimulating healthy skin and relaxing your face muscles.

Several studies showed that facial massage has a rejuvenating effect and helps you look better.

Not sure where to start…? Theodora Ntovas shares with us the benefits of facial massage, types of facial massage, and the best techniques to do it right:

Theodora Ntovas | Founder of yasouskincare.com

I think facial massages are great and studies show they do promote healthy skin while relaxing facial muscles. My research tells me there are several facials massages one can choose from:

  • lymphatic drainage.
  • reflexology.
  • shiatsu.
  • gua sha.
  • Swedish.
  • remedial.
  • sinus.
  • acupressure.

We recommend you do a mini facial massage daily incorporating exfoliation and moisturization.

Step 1. So with warm water and your favorite cleanser, cleanse the face and massage in a circular motion from the neck up.

Step 2. get your exfoliation mitt and gently repeat the circular motions (massage) from the neck up and exfoliate the skin.

Step 3. Finish this with cold water again from the neck up - and pat dry.

Step 4. We recommend you moisturize using small amounts of product and again in gentle circular motions from the neck up!

Make this a morning and evening ritual using a good day cream for the morning and night cream for the evening which can also be substituted for an oil or serum!

I think the facial massage above incorporated with cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturization will be a big hit for healthy, glowing skin.


21- Shape Your Eyebrows

Shaping your eyebrows can change your appearance totally and enhance your unique facial features.

Also, it defines your eyes and brings out your overall beauty.

Another cool benefit of shaping your eyebrows is it can draw attention away from the center of your face.

So if you have a big nose, shaping your brows and filling the bold spots can divert attention away from your nose.

Tymia Yvette tells us the top tricks to shape and fill eyebrows like a pro:


Tymia Yvette | Professional Makeup Artist, Lash Extensionist & Board Certified PMU Artist

CEO & Owner of tymiayvette.com

Since the eyebrow became such a hot topic, the trend has actually only gotten bigger since we are now restricted to only having our eyes and brows exposed. The eyebrow trend has become "fluffier". A couple of years ago, the trend was as clean as possible - now the brow no longer has to be that sharp.

An eyebrow should always be tight below, even if you choose for a less styled brow. Fluffy is at the top, not beneath the brow. If you want a more natural look, you can simply tell your brow stylist not to cut the hairs. Another way you can create full & fluffy brows is with Brow Lamination.

However, the biggest thing to remember is it is impossible to make them 100% symmetrical, they are sisters, not twins. Whether you have a brow stylist or if you grooming your own brows - try Brow mapping. Doing Mapping is important to help the brows to be as symmetrical as possible. While using a white pencil, create five lines:

  • At the start of the bulb or head of the brow
  • The top of the onset to the arch
  • From the arch to the tail
  • At the bottom of the onset to the arch
  • From the arch to the tail.

Finally, connect all 5 lines and clean up the hairs outside of the white lines. For less daily maintenance, try brow henna for fuller and darker (or stained) brows.

22- Scrub Your Lips

Another easy step in the glow-up challenge is to keep your lips soft by scrubbing your lips regularly.

It helps reduce those annoying flakes of dry skin. And it also promotes the growth of new skin cells which leads to smooth lips.

A Lip scrub makes your lips look full and hydrated.

So if you’re not sure How often you should exfoliate your lips and what is the best natural DIY scrub to try, Here’s what Cassandra McClure recommends:

Cassandra McClure | Makeup Artist

Founder of cassandramcclure.com

I exfoliate daily! Homemade lip scrubs are my favorite because they are cost-effective and sustainable when you store them in an empty jar! The best way to DIY lip scrub is to love using sugar, coconut oil, and honey.

Mix 1 tsp of cocoa and honey and 2 Tsp of sugar and bam! Rub into your lips for 1 minute or until dissolved for perfectly kissable lips that are soft and smooth. I love using this trick on myself, and the models and celebrities in my makeup chair.

My favorite clean brand of lip scrub though is still Mizzi Cosmetics! Khloe Kardashian raves about it too on her Snapchat.

23- Apply Lip Balm To Your Lips

Adding lip balm to your skincare routine is something you shouldn’t think twice about.

Lip balm moisturizes your lips and protects them from dust, wind, and cold temperature. It also reduces the pain caused by dry and chapped lips.

It’s highly recommended to use a lip balm with SPF before going out in the sun to protect your sensitive lips and maintain their moisture.

Allison Cohen shares with us her routine to keep her lips smooth:


Allison Cohen | Beauty Products Aficionado

Founder of neversaydiebeauty.com

I have the world’s driest lips, so lip scrub and lip balm are must-have products for me year-round. Hanalei’s Sugar Lip Scrub is my favorite scrub because the sugar crystals are tiny and not painful like some others can be.

When it comes to lip balm, I have a trio of favorites that I have been using for years: City Lips Plumping Lip Gloss with hyaluronic acid and collagen that painlessly plumps my lips while keeping them soft and healthy, Dr. Lipp’s Original Nipple Balm made from medical-grade lanolin, and natural Hanalei Lip Treatment.

All of them keep my lips smooth so that lipsticks don’t snag on dry, flakey skin. I can’t be without them! I use these three brands of lip balm almost interchangeably. I use lip balm every morning under my mask, and at night before I go to bed.

What I like about City Lips, Dr. Lipp’s Original Nipple Balm and Hanalei Lip Treatment is that they last overnight. When I wake up in the morning there is still a little balm left on my lips doing its job.

In the days before the pandemic, I always used City Lips, it contains collagen and hyaluronic acid to plump my lips before applying lipstick. Since my lips are naturally dry, using it before a matte or even semi-matte lipstick is a must.

24- Don’t Skip Sunscreen

The most efficient tip that any dermatologist or esthetician recommends is to apply sunscreen to your skin before sun exposure. Sunscreen is the main key to healthy and young-looking skin, especially for those with so sensitive skin.

You should apply sunscreen to your whole face, neck, and the chest area too if it’s not covered as it’s super fragile and delicate. Also, don’t forget the area behind your ears!

Several studies showed that sunscreens help reduce the risk of skin cancer, erythema, and skin damage.

Dr. Cynthia Bailey tells us why you should never skip sunscreen:


Dr. Cynthia Bailey | Board Certified Dermatologist

Founder of Dr.BaileySkinCare.com

UV exposure causes most skin aging including wrinkling, roughness, skin thinning, age spots, and all of the things that prevent you from having glowing skin.

25- Experiment With Makeup To Find The Best Look

If you’re a complete newbie to the world of makeup, you will need to learn how to apply makeup products like bronzer, eyeshadow, primer, foundation, concealer, blush, or even lipstick right to your skin. You should also find out what fits you the most and use a setting spray after applying makeup to keep your makeup stay put all day.

Related: Best Foundation For Sensitive Skin: 12 Non-Irritating Picks

experimenting with makeup is the key that will eventually help you find the best look, Here’s what Jame Jackson thinks:


Jame Jackson | Editor In Chief & Director of theblondemisfit.com

Experimenting with makeup is always a fun way to find your best look because you get to be as creative as you want to be. You also learn your face and what you like to play up or play down (and what products can do that). At the end of the day, makeup experimentation should be fun and enhance the beauty you already have, both internally and externally.

26- Clean Your Makeup Brushes Regularly

Do you love to wear makeup daily? Are you a makeup lover? Then you know that cleaning your makeup brushes is a must.

Wearing makeup with unclean brushes can bring on dirt, makeup residue, dust, and dead skin cells directly to your face.

Also, using unclean brushes will make your makeup look smudgy while using clean brushes prevent the products from getting mixed.

If you’re not sure what to use to clean your makeup brushes and how often should you clean them, Shara Strand tells us what she does:


Shara Strand | Professional Makeup Artist

Founder of sharacosmetics.com

I have always been a fan of gentle shampoo for brush cleaning. The most gentle shampoo out there is baby shampoo, and I have always liked the way Johnson and Johnson's baby shampoo smelled on my brushes. Clients have always commented on how nice the brushes smell.

If brushes are being used for personal use only, I feel washing once every ten days to two weeks is standard. Wash them with the shampoo like you would your hair, remove the excess water, and lay all brushes in the shape you want them to dry. Washing bi-monthly will allow all the bacteria to be sterilized, keeping your skin clean and clear.

27- Don’t Go To Bed With Your Makeup On

Removing makeup before sleep is one of the crucial steps of the glow-up challenge.

It’s super unhealthy to go to bed with your makeup on as this can lead to premature aging.

Wearing makeup all day can clog pores, and trap dust and other pollutants inside your skin which will cause skin problems like acne, dull skin, and puffy eyes.

This can also increase free radicals production and collagen degradation which means new fine lines and wrinkles.

Some women use makeup remover or micellar water to cleanse their face while others prefer the double cleansing method.

So wanna know how to cleanse your face right?

Niharika Verma shares with us her routine to remove every last bit of makeup:

Niharika Verma | Blogger

Founder of thepinkvelvetblog.com

I always make sure to take off my makeup before going to bed. Even though I do not wear makeup on a regular basis due to skin sensitivity, but when I do, I follow a proper cleansing routine.

To dissolve makeup, I first wipe my face with a microfiber pad soaked in lukewarm water. It melts and removes most of the makeup from the face, lips, and eyes. Next, I follow up with an oil-based makeup remover to remove any residue left and eye makeup gently. Taking off Kohl and Mascara can be tough so I always make sure to use an oil-based makeup remover to gently melt off the kohl and mascara without harming my eyes.

And then, I finally wash my face with my regular face wash. Now because I was wearing makeup, I follow an additional and final step to make sure my pores are clean and there is no residue left. I gently wipe my face with micellar water. This helps in taking off any minor residue if left and also helps in toning the skin.

Because my skin is super sensitive and acne-prone, I pay extra attention when it comes to taking off makeup. For the days when I am not wearing makeup, I keep it simple and wash my face with my regular face wash and I am done :)

28- Keep Your Phone Clean

Many people are not aware of the fact that germs and viruses live on phones.

When you put your phone up to your ear, it comes in contact with your skin so if your phone is unclean, it may cause skin problems like breakouts.

So you need to clean your phone to avoid skin problems.

Madeleine Spencer explains how she cleans her phone and why she cleans it all the time:

Madeleine Spencer | Blogger

Founder of madeleineloves.com

I clean my phone nightly by wiping it with a little Clinisept (which I also put on my skin). I am fastidious about making sure my phone is clean given how much I touch it and then, invariably, touch my face.

29- Consult A Dermatologist If You Have A Skin Condition

If you have a skin disorder, you should visit your dermatologist on a regular basis to keep your condition under control.

For example, if you have sensitive skin, you should be extra gentle with it and use harsh-free products including your body wash, facial wash, and even hand soap. 

Also, if you suffer from a skin condition like Rosacea or recurring acne, you’ll need to check with your doctor repeatedly.

Your dermatologist will tell you how to deal with your condition and the best medications that can help.

Dr. Cynthia Bailey tells us how to deal with Rosacea and reduce acne:


Dr. Cynthia Bailey | Board Certified Dermatologist

Founder of Dr.BaileySkinCare.com

Alternating a pyrithione zinc soap with a gentle pH-balanced cleanser, avoid all irritating products, and use a Complete Skin Care Routine that includes Green Tea, a hypoallergenic moisturizer, and a mineral zinc oxide sunscreen.

She also mentions the best ways to reduce acne and keep skin clear:

Avoid dairy, high glycemic foods, and whey protein. Cleanse skin well twice daily and avoid skincare products known to block pores.


Also, having dark circles under your eyes can be super annoying and frustrating.

There are many factors that can cause dark circles like lack of sleep, dehydration, and aging.

To get rid of them and keep your skin looking healthy, follow Alissa Caillet’s tips:


Alissa Caillet | Paramedical Skin Revision Therapist

Owner of incandescentskin.com

The best way to remove dark circles around the eyes is to improve environmental habits including getting enough water to drink (I recommend you divide your weight by 2 and convert that to ounces and drink water accordingly).

Additionally, getting enough sleep is also pivotal. I realize that this is a challenge for many people depending on situational circumstances. For example, many people report that the pandemic has increased their anxiety which plays a challenging role in sleep.

Implementing healthy habits including turning off all electronics, taking a warm bath before bed, and drinking a cup of Camille tea can help improve sleep quality.


How To Glow Up Your Hair

30- Apply A good Hair Mask

Adding hair masks to your hair care routine is essential as it protects your hair from damage and keeps its moisture.

If you use hair styling tools a lot or recently bleached or dyed your hair, you should apply a good hair mask to your hair at least once a week. 

This helps to keep your hair healthy, repair the damage, and strengthen it.

The best part is you can make your own hair mask at home and it will cost you almost nothing.

You will add only natural ingredients that you know they suit your hair type the most. Homemade hair masks that actually work contain organic beneficial ingredients like aloe vera gel, coconut oil, rosewater, olive oil, ashwagandha oil, vitamin E oil, moringa oil, ghee, vitamin B7, almond oil, avocados..etc

Related: The Top 6 Amazing Ashwagandha Benefits For Hair & FAQs

Some hair masks are good for curly hair while others fit dry or damaged straight hair the most. 

But also there are some hair masks that can suit all hair types like rice water, Check out how to use it.

Shipra Taneja shares with us her experience with natural hair masks and the best DIY homemade hair mask she strongly recommends:


Shipra Taneja | Blogger

Founder of Tanejasbride.com

When I was younger, oiling our hair with coconut oil was quite common. The tradition goes back many generations, and for Ayurvedic reasons is considered antibacterial and helps your hair grow and the fats in the oil help the hair stay strong and unbreakable.

My experience with coconut oil is that it works if your hair is hereditarily thick and strong. My hair is thin and fine, but I do have quick hair growth. What I use when my hair is dry and frizzy is ghee. This works similarly, and it really gives my hair strength and smooths it out, as well.

I do this as needed! The best way to ghee mask is to apply and massage. You can leave it in for 10 - 15 minutes and then shampoo/conditioner. Give your hair the glow-up it deserves!

31- Maintain A healthy Scalp

This one is a major step in the glow-up challenge. Keeping the scalp healthy is the key to having shiny healthy-looking hair.

Having a scalp problem like dandruff, scalp folliculitis, lice, or any other issue can affect your hair badly.

These conditions can weaken your hair and cause irritation and inflammation.

So you should always be aware of your scalp’s health especially if you’re a new mum. Also, you should learn to maintain its health to guarantee the best look.

Dr. Sanusi Umar explains How to keep the scalp healthy and how to reduce hair loss and scalp problems like dandruff:


Dr. Sanusi Umar | Board Certified Dermatologist

Founder of Dru.com

Believe it or not, both hair loss and dandruff may arise from inflammation, our immune system’s reaction to foreign invading threats in our body. Dandruff, itself is actually the most common cause of scalp inflammation, a lesser-known contributor to hair loss conditions. It can worsen the shedding of hair in those who are genetically predisposed to pattern baldness.

Dandruff occurs as a response to the Malassezia yeast. The resulting inflammation leads to high skin cell turnover which then causes white flakes to appear.

To keep the scalp healthy, it would be important to use anti-dandruff shampoos which could then help minimize inflammation and subsequent hair loss. In terms of lifestyle, it helps to minimize stress and optimize one’s dietary intake of omega fatty acids as well as antioxidants.

32- How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

Dr. Ismail Ughratdar answers this question in detail:

Dr. Ismail Ughratdar | Hair Transplant Surgeon

Founder of hairrepairclinic.co.uk

This is a question that many people ask their doctor or hair stylist, but the answer can vary depending on your hair type.

Many specialists suggest that you should leave your hair as long as you can between washes, but for some individuals, their hair needs washing on a daily basis. Hair produces a natural oil called sebum and the job of shampoo is to trap such oil before you rinse this out to clean the hair.

Nevertheless, your hair does benefit from having some oil in it, therefore you need to make sure you don’t wash too much as your hair may dry out. Confusing right? Well, the following is a basic breakdown of the amount of washing that is needed for different hair types, and what you should be washing it with.

Very fine, oily hair

Only a small group of people need to wash their hair daily and these are people who have really fine or oily hair. Also, people who sweat or exercise a lot should be shampooing on a daily basis. If hair is too oily it can look much thinner, and greasy and itching can occur – this makes the hair appear to be unhealthy and it is not a desirable look. It must also be noted that if you have dandruff it does not necessarily mean you have a dry scalp, if you have dandruff, frequent washing is actually very helpful.

Thick hair

If you have been blessed with bushy thick hair, you do not need to wash it as frequently. The hair should not be neglected as it's essential that you maintain a healthy scalp, but you can leave it a few days between washes. With thick hair, less oil is produced, therefore leaving it for 3 or 4 days will not harm its appearance. People with dry, curly hair also fall into this bracket, no problems will occur if you shampoo only once every few days.

Average hair

For the average person, whose hair is moderate density and only produces a small amount of sebum oil, washing once every other day is recommended. This will keep your scalp healthy but also maintain some of the oils in your hair that are valuable to keep it healthy.

It’s all down to the individual

In short, there is no one answer to the question of how often you should wash your hair, this is all down to the individual’s hair type. You may need to play around with different cycles until you find a system that is right for you. One thing is clear though, your scalp needs just as much attention (if not more) as your hair, ensure that you keep this healthy and in return, your hair will stand a better chance of being healthy too.

33- Learn How To Wash Your Hair Properly

Another helpful tip is to learn how to wash your hair the right way to keep your scalp and hair clean.

Not sure how to cleanse hair well? And why you should wash it properly?

Courtney Foster answers those questions:

Courtney Foster | Licensed Cosmetologist, Certified Hair Loss Practitioner, and Cosmetology Educator

Founder of courtneyfosterbeauty.com

The best way to cleanse hair well is to first determine the type of hair you have. Determining your hair type allows you to pick the correct shampoo. Dry hair needs a moisturizing shampoo while oily hair needs a clarifying shampoo.

Now that you know what type of shampoo you need, it's time to shampoo. Properly shampooing is the key to having a healthy scalp. Apply shampoo to a damp scalp. Start to work the shampoo in circular motions all over the scalp.

The circular motion prevents scratching and also gives the scalp and the head a nice massage. This stimulates blood flow which encourages hair growth. Allow the shampoo to sit on the scalp for 2-3 minutes so it can start to break down dandruff and oil on the scalp.

This gives the shampoo time to really do its job. Continue to work the shampoo in while under running water. The hair should not be roughed or scrunched too much. This will cause matting and tangling. The water will send the shampoo down the hair shaft and open and cleanse the cuticle. Thoroughly rinse out the shampoo until the water runs clear and repeat the steps one more time.

It is best to shampoo twice to ensure the hair is properly cleansed. A good shampoo session should last for about 15-20 minutes. Clean hair should feel free of product, bouncy, and shiny. The next step is to follow up with a conditioner.

34- Pick Shampoo Suits Your Hair Type

I asked Dr. Jeff Donovan, What are the key ingredients that you should look for in shampoo to keep hair healthy and reduce hair loss?

Here’s what he said:

Dr. Jeff Donovan | Dermatologist specializing in hair loss

Owner of donovanmedical.com

Shampoos and their use by the public are fascinating subjects. One-third of people could probably use any shampoo and their hair would look and feel great.

I tell patients that if they currently love their hair and the way it looks and feels then keep using the current shampoo. If not, get expert advice on which shampoo to use.

Two-thirds of people need to choose their shampoo a bit more carefully. Each person’s hair has slightly different needs.

Those with color-treated hair will need a different shampoo than a person with oily hair. The former groups will benefit from less trying sulfate-free shampoos.

The oily group should consider the use of anti-dandruff shampoos. Patients with scalp psoriasis are going to need different shampoos yet.

Then the group of people who are irritated or allergic to certain ingredients in the shampoos they are using. It comes as a surprise to many that 2 - 4 % of people that will shampoo their hair today don’t even know the shampoo they will reach for is part of their problem.

They have stubbornly persistent redness or stubbornly persistent symptoms. They may even have persistent hair shedding. These groups need to track down a hypoallergenic shampoo for which several now exist on the market.

I am asked about shampoos every day. I say to people that I would not be able to tell them what type and size shoes to buy until I know more about their feet and what exactly they plan to do with their feet (running, fashion, casual). Similarly,

I can’t recommend one general all-encompassing shampoo without knowing more about a patient’s hair and specific needs.

35- Avoid Using Dry Shampoo Regularly

Using dry shampoo when you don’t have enough time to wash your hair helps make it look better and smell good.

It removes oils and grease and adds volume to hair.

You can also make a DIY dry shampoo at home which will be chemical-free and affordable.

But is it healthy to apply dry shampoo to your hair a lot? Can it cause any scalp problems?

I asked Wendy Iles if she recommends it, she said:


Wendy Iles | Celebrity Hairdresser

Founder of Iles Formula Haircare

Quite frankly I’m a huge advocate for healthy hair and scalp so I avoid at all costs suggesting Dry Shampoo in any form of dry mousse or powder. Many of these contain mercury in the ingredients and it instantly brings me out in a rash!  If you must do a quick fix for greasy roots, then use a gentle natural ingredient baby talc.

36- Don’t Skip Conditioner

The key to keeping your hair moisturized and healthy is to apply conditioner after shampooing your hair.

Conditioner smooths the hair and maintains its health. You can make your own conditioner at home or find a good one at your local drug store.

It’s recommended to use a product that contains natural ingredients.

Also, it’s super important to know how to choose the right conditioner and how to use it.

Margarite will guide us through the process easily:

Margarite | Licensed Cosmetologist & Professional Hairstylist

Owner of girlshairtalk.com

Well. First of all, you should find the right conditioner for your hair type all starts with finding out what your hair type is first.  Then find out what kind of hair type you want. Some people want to fight their hair type and want the complete opposite hair look that they have.

And some people want to enhance and embrace the hair type that they have! So let's have a virtual step-by-step hair consultation and figure out which hair conditioner is right for your hair type.

Is your hair:

  • straight- silky with no waves or curls
  • wavy- between straight and curly
  • curly- each hair strand has an "s" pattern
  • coily- your hair has a strong extreme tight "z" pattern curl

All hair types are beautiful and lovely but which one is it?

Next- figure out what is the look that you want to have?  The opposite of what you have or would you like to enhance the look that you already have?

Now that you have that figured out here are some key points on picking the products that should work best for you.

Key points:

Try and choose products that are free of toxic ingredients such as parabens, SLS, and try to use natural products for healthy hair, and body.  Because remember your body will soak up what is on your skin. Choosing natural good products for the hair type you have and want is key.

To apply conditioner: 

Apply from scalp to ends but focus more on the middle and ends of the hair because that part of hair strands need more moisture. Don't leave the conditioner on for more than a minute or two unless it is a deep conditioner. Doing so can actually change the P.H Balance in the hair.

The reason for the conditioner is to even out the P.H. that the shampoo changed in your hair when the shampoo was applied.

If the conditioner is on too long this can change the P.H balance in your hair and cause your hair to react in a way that you might not like.

My recommendation for choosing the right conditioner is to read the bottle front & back and follow the instructions.

Following the instructions the wrong way may cause the product to ruin your hair if applied improperly. But if you apply conditioner the right way you can get the beautiful hair look that you want and love!

Also, Kenneth Byrd tells us the best DIY homemade conditioner recipe that he recommends:

Kenneth Byrd

Partner & Co-Founder of Curlcentric.com

Our favorite DIY conditioner is a coconut oil mixture. For example, you could mix coconut oil (3 tbsp.), olive oil (2 tbsp.), and peppermint essential oil (4 droplets) to create a homemade conditioner.

Coconut oil penetrates the hair's cortex helping you moisturize, condition, and ultimately strengthen your hair. The oil can also mitigate hygral fatigue when your hair is immersed in water.

37- Give Yourself A Scalp Massage

Giving yourself a scalp massage improves blood circulation which leads to a healthy scalp and hair.

Some studies showed that scalp massages reduce hair loss, improve Alopecia symptoms, and may lead to thicker hair.

Mike Van Den Abbeel shares with us how scalp massages can benefit your hair health and his recommendations to keep the scalp healthy:

Mike Van Den Abbeel | Master Stylist

Owner of mosaichairstudio.com

Healthy hair starts at the root, the scalp. Having a healthy scalp will ensure the best possible hair but most people don't know what a healthy scalp needs. There are 2 essential actions people can take to ensure a healthy scalp; use a scalp scrub once or twice a month or as needed and to massage the scalp to help increase circulation.

Lack of blood flow can cause follicle damage which leads to hair loss. A good scalp scrub removes excess skin, oil, and build-up and if you apply it using massage techniques you're giving your scalp the best possible chance of giving you healthy hair for years.

38- Handle Your Hair Gently

When your hair gets wet, it’s at its weakest which makes hair easier to damage.

So treating your hair gently when it’s wet is super important.

This helps maintain its health and reduce breakage.

Not sure how to handle your hair right? Here’s what you should do:

Carmen Torres tells us about her routine to dry hair gently and the towel material that she uses:


Carmen Torres | Product Knowledge Specialist

From jessicurl.com

Short answer - very carefully! We treat it like the finest silk fibers and make sure not to disturb it lest we invoke its wrath. Seriously though, after a leave-in Conditioner on soaking wet hair (some Curlies can brush after the leave-in and some curl patterns are disturbed by this) we plop those curls into a microfiber towel for 5-10 minutes. Then the styler(s) go in and it's back into a dry microfiber towel for another 10 minutes or so.

Also, Pallavi Juneja shares with us how she handles her hair when it’s wet and the towel material she loves to use:

Pallavi Juneja | Blogger & Natural Hair Enthusiast

Owner of Thecuriousjalebi.com

I apply my styling products when my hair is wet and comb to distribute them properly. I use a T-shirt or a microfiber towel to dry my hair after.

39- Comb Your Hair

Again your hair is super fragile when it’s wet so you should be super gentle when you’re styling it.

The question is what you should use to detangle and style your hair without pulling out or breaking it!

I asked Wendy Iles If she recommends brushing or combing hair when it’s wet.

Here’s what said:


Wendy Iles | Celebrity Hairdresser

Founder of Iles Formula Haircare

Yes, a wet brush or a wide-tooth comb is made for this purpose. What one should not use is a regular brush and a small toothed comb that stretches the hair.

To style wet hair without damaging or breaking it, start by detangling your hair from the ends of it to the roots. You can also run your fingers through your hair to work out knots.

40- Pick Hair Ties & Clips That Won’t Cause Hair Damage

Hair ties and clips are playing a major role in keeping your hair healthy and frizz-free.

There are many different hair tie materials and hair clips available in the market.

But the question is how to choose the best one that won’t pull out hair or put stress on it.

Kenneth Byrd tells us the best hair clip that suits curly hair:

Kenneth Byrd

Partner & Co-Founder Curlcentric.com

Our favorite hair clip is called a "stretchy banana clip." These hair clips are great for ladies with naturally curly hair since they tend to be gentle, hingeless, and overall less damaging for curly girls.

41- Don’t Forget Heat Protectant Spray

Dr. Maria Soto, who has a post-graduate degree in medicine & health at San José State University explains why Using Heat Protectant spray before blow-drying or straightening your hair is necessary:

Dr. Maria Soto | Junior Doctor

Founder of hairfalled.com

You always keep in mind that when you go outside, you need to use sunscreen to protect your skin from various damage and it is the same thing that using heat protectant spray before hair styling is necessary for reducing your hair from damage.

So, you should use a good heat protectant every time before styling. It will help your hair from breakage.

Should I Look For Certain Ingredients In The Spray?

Yes. You need to look for those ingredients in your spray:

  • Grapeseed oil.
  • Shea Butter.
  • Almond oil.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Argan oil.

Opinion On The Base Of My Personal Experience:

Bear in mind that heat protectors never protect your hair from heating tools. It will help your hair from breakage.


42- Cut Split Ends

There are infinite factors that can cause split ends. Environmental factors, using hair dryers regularly, and brushing, straightening, or curling hair can lead to split ends.

To reduce split ends and keep your hair looking healthy, use natural hair care products, avoid using hair styling tools a lot, and get regular trims ( about every six weeks ).

Some women prefer to visit the hair salon to cut split ends while others trim their own hair at home.

But the question is, Are both ways right?

I asked Chinwe Juliet if she recommends trimming split ends at home or professionally at a hair salon:


Chinwe Juliet | Top Beauty Blogger In Africa

Founder of igbocurls.com

I recommend trimming at a professional hair salon if you can because they help take off most split ends you may not be able to see and also check the overall health of your hair.

However, if you are not comfortable with someone else trimming your hair then you can always learn to trim your hair yourself. The most important thing to remember is to trim dry stretched hair.

43- Wearing Hair Extensions? Are They A Good Idea?

I’ve always believed wearing hair extensions is something I should never think about.

Hair extensions could damage hair, cause hair loss, and ruin any hair care routine, especially if you’re wearing them for a long time.

Is that true?

Can they really damage your hair?

Is Wearing Hair Extensions For Too Long Can Ruin Any Hair Care Routine?

Well. To answer those questions, you’ll need an expert opinion as he would know better.

Frankie Sanderson answers those questions in detail:

Frankie Sanderson | Extensionist, Blonding Specialist, Celebrity Artist, and Master Stylist

Founder of thestudeo.com

Wearing hair extensions for an extended period of time will not damage your hair. It depends on the type of hair extensions that you have, will depend on how long you can wear them as well as the placement of them.

For instance, if you were tape in extensions, you can only wear them for about 6 to 8 weeks because your hair grows out and if you’re very active the tape can release from the inside of the extension tab and grab onto the hair surrounding it. This is why it’s important to come in every 6-8 weeks and have them removed, washed, and re-attached.

If you’re wearing a weft extension the beads are attached in a way that distributes the weight of the hair extension itself safely. This means that your wear is safely attached for 6-8 weeks. You then must come in and have the beads either moved up or replaced, depending on which technique and hair you use.

To sum up what I have said, hair extensions are safe to wear long-term you just have to know how to maintain them well at home and come into the salon for your maintenance appointments. 

44- Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can affect your overall health. Several studies showed that stress can reveal or worsen skin disorders like Rosacea, Psoriasis, and other skin problems.

Other studies found that stress and anxiety can affect hair health and lead to hair loss.

So managing stress and anxiety is a crucial step in the glow-up challenge as they have a direct impact on your physical appearance and mental health.

Poppy Cross tells us the best practices that she recommends to relieve anxiety and reduce stress:


Challenging yourself to do something different is super healthy and beneficial. The steps of the glow-up challenge can help you feel better again especially if you have a busy schedule. Try out the steps that I included for 30 days and you’ll notice the changes. Trust me you won’t waste your time or regret it as they are the key to healthy glowing skin, body, and hair.