Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that often affects the patient’s face. Rosacea causes are still unknown. But there are some potential factors can trigger the symptoms.
About 14 million Americans have Rosacea but most of them don’t know they have it. A small percentage of Rosacea sufferers seek professional advice or treatment.
Rosacea causes redness on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin. The redness becomes more intense if it left untreated. Also, blood vessels become more visible and the condition worsens over time.
This chronic skin disorder has a negative impact on patients’ social life. Patients with Rosacea prefer to avoid social interactions. And this can affect work productivity.
Patients with Rosacea always feel embarrassed and frustrated. They also have anxiety and depression because of their disease.
Rosacea Causes
Researchers don’t know what causes Rosacea. But there are some factors could be responsible for this condition:
Abnormalities In Facial Blood Vessels
Doctors think that abnormalities in facial blood vessels can be the major factor that causes Rosacea. Abnormalities in blood vessels cause redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels.
Unfortunately, what causes abnormalities in the blood vessels of the face is unknown. But sun damage could be the reason for the dilation of blood vessels.
Demodex Folliculorum ( Microscopic Mite )
It lives on human skin and it’s usually harmless. But large numbers of these mites can cause skin problems.
Scientists found Rosacea sufferers have large numbers of these mites on their faces.
Another study showed that Rosacea sufferers have four times more mites on their faces than other people.
But scientists don’t know whether the mites cause Rosacea. Or Rosacea causes the overpopulation of these mites.
Family History
Many Rosacea sufferers have family members who already have it. So it’s possible that Rosacea runs in families. You may inherit genes for Rosacea.
Fair Skin
People who have fair skin can easily get this skin condition more than other people.
H Pylori
H Pylori is a bacteria found in the intestines. Many patients with Rosacea have an H Pylori infection.
These bacteria cause blood vessels to expand. Scientists suggest that H Pylori may cause Rosacea.
But they still can’t prove it as t
Rosacea Types
According to the American Academy Of Dermatology, There are four main types of Rosacea:
Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea: This type causes flushing, redness, and blood vessels to become visible.
Papulopustular Rosacea: It causes swelling, redness, and acne-like breakouts.
Phymatous Rosacea: This type causes the skin to thicken and takes on a bumpy texture.
Ocular Rosacea: This type causes redness and irritation in the patients’ eyes. Their eyelids also can be swollen. The patient could have what looks like a sty.
Rosacea Symptoms
There are four main types of Rosacea. Each type has its sings and symptoms. Also, each type has a different treatment. Some patients have more than one type of Rosacea.
Some symptoms can vary from one person to another. Also, symptoms may develop over time.
First Type
Signs And Symptoms
- Redness in the center of the face.
- Flushing.
- swelling.
- Dry skin.
- Visible blood vessels.
- The skin becomes extremely sensitive.
- The Patient’s skin tends to flush easier than other people.
- Burning and stinging sensation on the skin.
Second Type
Signs And Symptoms
- Oily skin.
- Broken blood vessels become visible.
- The skin becomes super sensitive.
- Burning and stinging on the skin.
- Pimples: they are similar to acne but the skin has no blackheads. Also, the skin is not greasy, but dry.
- Pustules and papules.
Third Type
Signs And Symptoms
This type is uncommon. When the patient develops this type, this means he often has symptoms of another type first. Signs and symptoms are like:
- Oily skin.
- Broken blood vessels become visible.
- The skin takes on a bumpy texture.
- The skin begins to thicken and form excess tissue, especially around the nose. The nose becomes bulbous and this is called rhinophyma. This complication affects males more than females. And it’s also a rare and uncommon complication.
- Pores look bigger.
- The skin may thicken on the chin, cheeks, ears, and forehead.
Fourth type
Signs And Symptoms
- Eyes burn.
- Eyes itch and become very dry.
- Gritty sensation in the eyes.
- Blurry vision and eyes become sensitive to light.
- Broken blood vessels on the eyelid.
- Bloodshot or watery appearance.
- Cyst on
eyelids .
How Does Rosacea Affect Your Life
Rosacea has a negative impact on patients’ life as it’s a long-term skin condition. Rosacea sufferers believe that their disease is a major burden that affects their quality of life.
So living with Rosacea can cause a lot of problems like:
Depression And Anxiety
Studies showed that depression rates increased among patients with Rosacea.
One analysis showed that 65.1% of Rosacea sufferers are diagnosed with depression.
Also, patients reported that they have anxiety and depression because of their disease.
Low Self-Esteem And Worry
The National Rosacea Society conducted a survey with more than 400 Rosacea sufferers.
It revealed 75% of patients believed that the disease lowered their self-esteem.
Also, patients worry that their Rosacea may get worse. Or it may cause scars.
Moreover, they worry about the
Embarrassment And Frustration
A survey conducted by The National Rosacea Society with more than 400 people with Rosacea.
It revealed that the majority of patients feel embarrassed because of their disease. They also feel frustrated because of their Rosacea.
Work-Related Problems
Patients who have Rosacea avoid social interactions. They always miss work because of their Rosacea. This may affect work productivity.
Also, people have a negative impression of patients with Rosacea.
When treatment reduces signs of Rosacea, Patients feel much better. So treatment can improve the patient’s quality of life.
Rosacea Triggers
There are some factors that can worsen the condition. These factors include:
- Spicy food.
- Caffeine.
- Hot beverages.
- Hot food.
- Heavy exercise.
- Alcohol.
- Dairy products.
- Sunlight and wind.
- Hot baths.
- Sadness and anger.
- Stress and anxiety.
- Some medications that dilate blood vessels.
- Cold or hot weather.
Natural Remedies
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Rosacea. But there are available treatments that can control signs and symptoms. Treatment can also prevent the condition from worsening.
The treatment generally involves a combination of lifestyle changes and medications.
Making lifestyle changes and using gentle skin-care products can help control symptoms. Also, you should avoid things that cause Rosacea to flare.

So here are some natural remedies that can keep signs and symptoms under control:
- To protect your skin from the sun, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30.
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your eyes, face, and neck from the sun. Also, wear sunglasses.
- Use a gentle cleanser.
- Be extra gentle with your skin.
- Avoid scrubbing your face.
- Wear a scarf in cold weather.
- Avoid spicy food and alcoholic and hot beverages.
- Apply moisturizer to your face.
- Do not touch your face too much.
- Don’t use cleansers or moisturizers that contain alcohol.
- Find out which food causes Rosacea to flare and avoid it.
- Don’t smoke or let anyone smoke around you.
- Tea, coffee, and caffeinated soft drinks can aggravate the redness.
- Hot baths and saunas can also cause your Rosacea to flare.
- High-intensity exercise can trigger flare-ups. So do low-intensity exercise such as walking.
- Also, stay hydrated with cold water and exercise in a cool environment. This helps regulate your body temperature.
- Reduce stress levels as stress is the main factor that can trigger flare-ups. It also can worsen the existing symptoms.
- Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercise can help you reduce stress levels.
- Use an electric shaver instead of a blade as it helps to reduce skin irritation.
- Also, avoid over-the-counter steroid creams as they can worsen your symptoms. So don’t use any cream before asking your doctor.
Before you visit the doctor, make notes about your symptoms. Be clear when you describe your symptoms. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor any questions.
Also, prepare a list of questions to gain a better understanding of your condition.
Don’t forget to ask your dermatologist about treatment options. Also, ask him about the best skincare routine you should follow.